
The PE Umbrella | Podcasting ALL things Primary Physical Education

Ryan Ellis here, the founder and host of the PE Umbrella, a Primary Physical Education podcast that discusses all things PE. Interviewing inspiring practitioners from the education sector, I will be sharing the latest in excellent practice and discussing what makes PE, physical activity and sport such an important tool to engage and enhance the learning of children (across the curriculum) so they are ready to leave school with a solid platform to lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy lifelong physical activity! I will share insights into what makes the top practitioners of today tick, asking about their favourite PE resources, what activities are a must-have in the locker for any teacher and success stories about WHAT REALLY WORKS! All in all, the PE Umbrella is about inspiring YOU in YOUR teaching practice and providing you with the tools, ideas and resources to take action! So what are you waiting for? Come and join me under the PE Umbrella!
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The PE Umbrella | Podcasting ALL things Primary Physical Education











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Now displaying: 2021
Oct 24, 2021

Welcome to episode 216 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by lecturer and researcher Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan.

On this bumper length episode, we dive into all things Primary PE with a mixture of rabbit holes explored too! From PE misconceptions, the importance of FMS to finding the balance between challenge and exclusion, there is something in here for you! Not to mention the show regular questions such as:

- What currently excites you in the PE space

- Favourite warm-up/Instant starter?

- Worst ever PE lesson taught and what you learned?

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Oct 17, 2021

Welcome to episode 215 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the co-founders of School Sport Psychology Helen Davis & Liz Barker In this episode we talk about the power of psychology both from a teachers perspective and also what this brings to our pupils if embedded in their education. Through this discussion, we learn about the 5 modules of school sport psychology, mind, feelings, drive, talk and me. For each module, we break down what they mean for a pupil and how they help foster skills that are transferable throughout everyday life.

At a time when wellbeing has never been a higher priority for everybody, this is the perfect listen.

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

Jul 25, 2021

Welcome to episode 214 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the headteacher of Water Primary and now a two-time guest of the show Chris Willan. His first appearance on the show back in episode 123 was a huge hit and changed the way that many viewed the PESSPA landscape in their schools.

Now, Chris is back to talk us through how he's coped in the Covid pandemic and why PESSPA remains as important as ever at the heart of his school.

All of this and so many other side conversations, consider this your FREE Primary PE CPD on the go! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

Jul 18, 2021

Welcome to episode 213 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the director of Moving Matters Rob Wilkinson.

On Rob's second PE Umbrella appearance we find out how he has evolved in the past 5 years and talk about the current primary PE landscape. Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so many other side conversations, consider this your FREE Primary PE CPD on the go! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

Jun 27, 2021

Welcome to episode 212 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by primary PE specialist teacher and PE lead Dan Brewer.  It was a treat to sit down and talk with somebody who is on the front line delivering and leading primary PE and gain their perspective on a number of topics.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

Don't forget the many side conversations and topics that we regularly tap into, this is an episode that you're going to love! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Jun 20, 2021

Welcome to episode 211 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the director of Dream Big sports and Active Education Co Dale Harris. On this episode, we learn more about Dale, what makes him tick and his desire to help change the Primary PE landscape for the better!

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so many other side conversations, consider this your FREE Primary PE CPD on the go! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

Jun 13, 2021

Welcome to episode 210 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by teacher educator Will Swaithes to discuss ALL things PE.

On this feature-length episode, I have the pleasure of talking with Will about a whole host of topics that provide amazing insights into PE and life. From books that need to be read to the importance of modelling vulnerability, we then dive into curriculum design through understanding context and implementation.

Not only that, but we also field many of the show regular questions to Will to get his take from his many years of experience.

These include:

- What currently excites you in the PE space

- Key ingredients for a Primary PE lesson

- Worst ever PE lesson taught and what you learned?

This is a cracker!

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Jun 6, 2021

Welcome to episode 209 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by primary PE specialist and now repeat guest Brendan Rouse. In this episode we talk with Brendan about the past 12 months and teaching through Covid, including his thoughts, reflections and ideas of what moving forward may look like.

Talking points include:

- What excites you right now in the PE space?

- Are pupils ready to learn upon returning to school?

- What does/should/would a catch-up curriculum look like?

- What did you learn over lockdown that you will continue to do?

All of this and so much more to help you in your own Primary PE teaching journey! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

May 23, 2021

Welcome to episode 208 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by primary PE leads Sam Woodruff & Jordan Jawandha to chat ALL things Primary PE! T

alking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more to help you in your own Primary PE teaching journey! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

May 16, 2021

Welcome to episode 207 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by deputy headteacher and PESSPA director at Clavering Primary School Neil McAvoy. In this knowledge bomb packed episode we dive into ALL things Clavering and the truly incredible PE and PA offer they have for their pupils.

Talking points include:

- Breaking down the Clavering vision statement

- Aligning the program with the school culture & ethos

- The 30:30 physical activity strategy

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Worst ever lesson you've taught?

All of this and so much more to help you in transforming the PE offering of the schools that you work at! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

May 9, 2021

Welcome to episode 206 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by primary PE specialist teacher Ben Anderson for one of the most insightful episodes of the show yet! On this bumper episode, we learn about what makes Ben tick as a practitioner and discover the ways in which his school is thriving as a result of his excellent PE leadership and teaching.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more to help you in your own Primary PE teaching journey! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

May 2, 2021

Welcome to episode 205 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the director and founder of Totally Runable Natalie Jackson. Totally Runable use the power of running to help close the sport gender gap across schools in the UK and have a fascinating story to tell.

During this episode, I speak with Natalie about some stark figures when it comes to boys and girls participation in sport and physical activity. We learn more about the sport gender gap and factors that play into this widening or narrowing.

This was a truly insightful discussion and I am certain that it will leave you with more questions and strategies that you can take away to try in your own school setting.

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Apr 25, 2021

Welcome to episode 204 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by PE coordinator Joe Danquah. We talk about ALL things primary PE during this episode and gain insights and advice from Joe's daily teaching.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

You can expect all of this plus lots of other side avenues that our discussions take us down. So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Apr 18, 2021

Welcome to episode 203 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by Adam Price who works as a PE coordinator in a SEN school.

On this episode, we once again dive deep into the world of PE and particularly inclusion as we learn how to best cater for the diverse range of needs that we may have from pupils in our classroom.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What does inclusion mean to you?

- What are some of your top tips for including pupils with SEND?

- Can you share some specific working examples of how to support SEND pupils?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more, you can't afford to miss it! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella.

Note pad ready!

Apr 11, 2021

Welcome to episode 202 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by PE lead Abby Miles. On this episode, we take a wander through topics focused on ALL things primary PE and gain insights and advice from Abby in her short time teaching and leading PE in her school.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this plus many other side conversations are waiting for you! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Apr 4, 2021

Welcome to episode 201 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by former teacher and founder of Dance to School Eve Murphy.

On this episode we once again dive deep into the world of Primary PE, with a particular focus on the area of dance, drawing out some incredible advice on delivering your own unit of work! Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about PE/Dance should be banished?

- How would you plan/structure a unit of dance in line with the National Curriculum?

- What would your ideal Dance lesson look like?

- What is your worst ever PE/Dance lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more as we salsa our way through many side conversations to bring you the best advice for delivering Primary dance around!

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Mar 28, 2021

Welcome to episode 200 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the Director of Sport at Alice Smith School in Malaysia and host of the Infinite Leaders Podcast Lewis Keens.

In this episode, we find common links between our past before learning about what makes Lewis tick in the world of PE.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

- Something that has made you go 'wow'

All of this and a plethora of other tangents were explored in this milestone episode of the podcast! So what are you waiting for?

Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Mar 21, 2021

Welcome to episode 199 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by the founder of The PE Train and Primary Teacher Anthony Seaman.

In this episode we take our usual stroll down conversations ALL things Primary PE and find out what makes Anthony tick, sharing knowledge bombs for you to take away in the process. Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more, you can't afford to miss it! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad and pen ready!

Mar 14, 2021

Welcome to episode 198 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by former primary school teacher and founder of The Children's Health Project Ilse Brockling. On this episode we delve into all things health & wellbeing on the back of our 3rd lockdown in the UK and look ahead to the coming year.

Talking points include:

- Health & Wellbeing at home

- Healthy Habits we should all be adopting

- What should health & wellbeing look like in schools moving forward

As expected, we venture off down many side conversations to bring you plenty of value and food for thought so make sure you have a note pad and pen handy.

What are you waiting for? Come on over and join us Under the PE Umbrella!

Mar 7, 2021

Welcome to episode 197 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

Joining me Under the umbrella this week is inspirational headteacher of The Academy at St James, Chris Tolson.

Having recently heard about the simply wonderful provision at his school through Niall O'Brien, this week we take the plunge and gain a headteachers perspective on the trajectory of his school and the decisions behind it.

Amongst our discussion we talk about:

- What is the importance of a great PA provision in your school & how does this impact pupil wellbeing?

- How has your school shifted its approach? What changes had to be made? What pushback did you have?

- How has your provision assisted in supporting your school during the pandemic?

- Advice for budding PE leads listening who may want to go on a similar journey

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!

Feb 28, 2021

Welcome to episode 196 of The PE Umbrella Podcast! If you haven't listened to part one of my chat with Greg, I highly recommend jumping back to episode 195 before proceeding!

This episode picks up exactly where the last episode finished and continues with some deep conversation and side tangents across a range of PE topics including:

- What is an ideal PE lesson recipe?

- What is the worst lesson you taught and why?

- How do our experiences of PE shape our teaching practice?

- MiMove app and the positive impact on movement and emotion

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!

Feb 21, 2021

Welcome to episode 195 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by director of the centre for PE, Sport & Activity at Kingston University and the founder of the Mi Move app Greg Dryer. The conversation with Greg was so incredible and eye-opening that it had to be split into two parts, just to give you time to digest what he has to say before indulging in more!

Talking points of our chat in part 1 include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What is your teaching background and what did you learn from your time in India?

- Importance of early PA experiences

The conversation flowed so well that we covered dozens of topics that everybody can learn from.

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!

Feb 14, 2021

Welcome to episode 194 of The PE Umbrella Podcast! This week I am joined by senior lecturer and primary PE subject lead at St Mary's University Julie Pearson.

In this episode, we delve into a myriad of topics around Primary PE and delve into the backpack of Julie's experience on the ground and into lecturing!

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- How did your early PE experiences shape who you are? Did your peers all have the same experience?

- How have your views on PE shifted from your early experiences to now?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and of course, the many side conversations that you can always expect on The PE Umbrella! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!

Feb 6, 2021

Welcome to episode 193 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by co-founder of the Succeeding PE platform David Hazelgrove On this episode we take a stroll through topics focused on ALL things primary PE and gain insights and advice from David's time teaching PE.

Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished? - What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and many other side conversations just waiting for you! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

Jan 31, 2021

Welcome to episode 192 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!

This week I am joined by PE advisor and the director of Complete PE Catherine Fitzpatrick On this episode we once again dive deep into the world of Primary PE, unpicking Catherine's story and experience from her time in the sector. Talking points include:

- What currently excites you about PE?

- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?

- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?

- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?

- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?

- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?

All of this and so much more to help you in your own Primary PE teaching journey!

So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!

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