Welcome to episode 196 of The PE Umbrella Podcast! If you haven't listened to part one of my chat with Greg, I highly recommend jumping back to episode 195 before proceeding!
This episode picks up exactly where the last episode finished and continues with some deep conversation and side tangents across a range of PE topics including:
- What is an ideal PE lesson recipe?
- What is the worst lesson you taught and why?
- How do our experiences of PE shape our teaching practice?
- MiMove app and the positive impact on movement and emotion
So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!
Welcome to episode 195 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by director of the centre for PE, Sport & Activity at Kingston University and the founder of the Mi Move app Greg Dryer. The conversation with Greg was so incredible and eye-opening that it had to be split into two parts, just to give you time to digest what he has to say before indulging in more!
Talking points of our chat in part 1 include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What is your teaching background and what did you learn from your time in India?
- Importance of early PA experiences
The conversation flowed so well that we covered dozens of topics that everybody can learn from.
So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!
Welcome to episode 194 of The PE Umbrella Podcast! This week I am joined by senior lecturer and primary PE subject lead at St Mary's University Julie Pearson.
In this episode, we delve into a myriad of topics around Primary PE and delve into the backpack of Julie's experience on the ground and into lecturing!
Talking points include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?
- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?
- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?
- How did your early PE experiences shape who you are? Did your peers all have the same experience?
- How have your views on PE shifted from your early experiences to now?
- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?
All of this and of course, the many side conversations that you can always expect on The PE Umbrella! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!
Welcome to episode 193 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by co-founder of the Succeeding PE platform David Hazelgrove On this episode we take a stroll through topics focused on ALL things primary PE and gain insights and advice from David's time teaching PE.
Talking points include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished? - What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?
- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?
- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?
- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?
All of this and many other side conversations just waiting for you! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!