Welcome to episode 200 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by the Director of Sport at Alice Smith School in Malaysia and host of the Infinite Leaders Podcast Lewis Keens.
In this episode, we find common links between our past before learning about what makes Lewis tick in the world of PE.
Talking points include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?
- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?
- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?
- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?
- Something that has made you go 'wow'
All of this and a plethora of other tangents were explored in this milestone episode of the podcast! So what are you waiting for?
Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!
Welcome to episode 199 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by the founder of The PE Train and Primary Teacher Anthony Seaman.
In this episode we take our usual stroll down conversations ALL things Primary PE and find out what makes Anthony tick, sharing knowledge bombs for you to take away in the process. Talking points include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What misconceptions about our subject should be banished?
- What is your ideal PE lesson recipe?
- Success story/most inspiring moment as a teacher?
- A PE Resource you couldn't live without?
- What is your worst ever PE lesson and what did you learn from it?
All of this and so much more, you can't afford to miss it! So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad and pen ready!
Welcome to episode 198 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by former primary school teacher and founder of The Children's Health Project Ilse Brockling. On this episode we delve into all things health & wellbeing on the back of our 3rd lockdown in the UK and look ahead to the coming year.
Talking points include:
- Health & Wellbeing at home
- Healthy Habits we should all be adopting
- What should health & wellbeing look like in schools moving forward
As expected, we venture off down many side conversations to bring you plenty of value and food for thought so make sure you have a note pad and pen handy.
What are you waiting for? Come on over and join us Under the PE Umbrella!
Welcome to episode 197 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
Joining me Under the umbrella this week is inspirational headteacher of The Academy at St James, Chris Tolson.
Having recently heard about the simply wonderful provision at his school through Niall O'Brien, this week we take the plunge and gain a headteachers perspective on the trajectory of his school and the decisions behind it.
Amongst our discussion we talk about:
- What is the importance of a great PA provision in your school & how does this impact pupil wellbeing?
- How has your school shifted its approach? What changes had to be made? What pushback did you have?
- How has your provision assisted in supporting your school during the pandemic?
- Advice for budding PE leads listening who may want to go on a similar journey
So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad(s) ready!