Welcome to episode 201 of The PE Umbrella Podcast!
This week I am joined by former teacher and founder of Dance to School Eve Murphy.
On this episode we once again dive deep into the world of Primary PE, with a particular focus on the area of dance, drawing out some incredible advice on delivering your own unit of work! Talking points include:
- What currently excites you about PE?
- What misconceptions about PE/Dance should be banished?
- How would you plan/structure a unit of dance in line with the National Curriculum?
- What would your ideal Dance lesson look like?
- What is your worst ever PE/Dance lesson and what did you learn from it?
All of this and so much more as we salsa our way through many side conversations to bring you the best advice for delivering Primary dance around!
So what are you waiting for? Jump under the umbrella with us and join in the conversation by tweeting me @thepeumbrella. Note pad ready!