Welcome to episode 68 of The PE Umbrella podcast! Joining me Under the Umbrella today is middle school Physical Educator and PHYSEDagogy collaborator, Sarah Gietschier-Hartman! During this episode we discuss how Sarah keeps herself fulfilled outside of teaching with mind and body, before diving head first into her teaching experience, with knowledge bombs and actionable takeaways for you to try! New games - Check Favourite Warm up - Check Class Management tip - Check Top resources - Check Get your note pad and pen at the ready and come on over to join us Under the Umbrella!
Hello and Welcome to episode 67 of The PE Umbrella Podcast. This week, you have me all to yourself as I reflect and preview some changes that are coming to the podcast interviews in the coming months, testing out some of the content on myself first. I am a firm believer of: "Live What You Preach" During this episode I talk about my mind and body in particular, and how I keep myself fulfilled and in the best state of mind to teach the children I work with without hitting burnout. After all... "you can't serve others from an empty vessel" So come and join me Under the Umbrella and see how i try to keep my own vessel firmly afloat!
Welcome to The PE Umbrella Podcast, Episode 66. In this reflection episode, I discuss the beginnings of my journey to reshape my teaching pedagogy and take it down a co-operative learning based route. This week saw me dive in head first into using some key 'indicators' that define a co-operative learning classroom and use them with a year 1/2 class. What did I teach? What resources did I use? Why am I doing it? Jump Under the Umbrella this week to find out these answers and more!
Welcome to The PE Umbrella Podcast, Episode 65! In the first episode of 2017, I interview David Hazelgrove and Jonathan Moore, the brains behind SucceedIn, an online platform that is a one stop shop for all of your Primary PE needs. Providing a platform for the planning, delivery and assessment for your entire program of work, David and Jonathan explain how SucceedIn has helped transform the delivery of PE in many schools and why it can be a real asset to any primary teacher that has had little to no training in PE. Worry no more and dive in to see how SucceedIn can help you! I'll see you 'Under the Umbrella'